Donna Hamilton
“My favorite memory of the Sella Ronda was when I realized, after hearing a variety of languages spoken all around me, that we were cycling with people from all over Europe and beyond. Riding that day, with thousands of our best international cyclist friends, reinforced how the love of cycling brought us all together”
James Fudge
“The Sella Ronda made me realize that cycling can be much more than boring, sometimes painful exercise – it provides a unique opportunity to experience new landscapes and interact with like-minded people from around the world in a way that no other activity can.”
Betsy Armstrong
“We were done with all the climbing, on the last pass eating yummy dessert & coffee when someone said we should head down, back to our hotel. We’d had a wonderfully successful day, were all well trained & fit, given Luisa’s guidance & carefully planned days before the ride. Richard said, why not wait & enjoy our view since the road is still closed, so we did, deciding not to be in a hurry & enjoyed our success before heading back.”